Earth Electromagnetic Properties
Plate Tectonics to Pore Fluids (Plates to Pores)

George R. Jiracek- San Diego State University


1.6 Constitutive Relations

The electromagnetic properties of rocks (σ, ε, and μ) are expressed by the constitutive relations from the previous section:

J = σE, (1.6.1)

D = εE, (1.6.2)


B = μH.


In the most general cases σ, ε, and μ are complex tensors which are functions of angular frequency ω=2πf, the field strengths, position r, temperature T, pressure P, and composition. For example,

σ = σ(ω, E, r, T, P). (1.6.4)

In geophysics we usually normalize ε and μ by the free space values ε0 and μ0, and define the dielectric constant, K and relative magnetic permeability, Km as

K = ε/ε0 (1.6.5)


Km = μ/μ0 , (1.6.6)

respectively. Furthermore, for purely traditional reasons in geophysics the conductivity is usually expressed by its reciprocal, the resistivity, ρ,

ρ = 1/σ. (1.6.7)